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When it comes to traditional menswear, dress socks aren't exactly the most exciting topic to discuss. However, putting a little thought into your socks can greatly improve your day with enhanced comfort and upgraded style. So, going from below description, you may know much secret about the best dress socks for Men.


Dress socks are the general knit socks that people usually wear, which are divided into Men’s dress socks and Women’s dress socks based on gender. Men’s dress socks are also called unisex dress socks regardless of gender. Whether you want something simple, patterned or which can show off your fun personality well, Men’s dress socks are a nice way to do it.


Men’s dress socks generally can be falls into two major categories, Knitted dress socks and Printed dress socks, which are made of cotton, nylon, spandex and other materials. And on above basis, it can be split into below lengths:
  • Thigh high- falls just above the knee
  • Knee-high- falls just below the knee
  • Mid-calf- falls on the calf
  • Crew- falls just below the calf
  • Ankle- falls just above the ankle
  • No show- falls just below the ankle


(1) Cotton dress socks
Shopping in the sock mall or online, you may come across socks with cotton, nylon, spandex and other materials. Different socks have different impact on people. Some can keep your feet warm due to offering padding and support. Others can keep your feet cool and dry. Depending on the season and where you plan to spend time, you may want to choose socks accordingly. Cotton dress socks is famous for its own absorbent, which is good for soaking sweat off the skin.That makes it good for short periods of high sweat intensity, like a quick cardio workout. Although 100% cotton dress socks are well welcomed, most of cotton dress socks are made of besides cotton materials, which also need nylon for colorful patterns and spandex for good stretch.

(2) Mid-Calf dress socks
Previously, some one wearing exposed skin sock was regarded as not just unsightly but downright scandalous. Most of people often wear knee or over knee socks. So, socks have their more archaic name: hose or hosiery.Tastes have relaxed quite a bit, people is willing to increasingly receive exposed skin sticking out between the top of the sock and the cuff of the trousers. Therefore, socks with different lengths are in fashion on the market. For example, Mid-Calf dress socks are good for business dress and other high-formality purposes. All the way to the lower edge of the knee is great, if you find that comfortable, but at least midway up the calf should be your minimum. Much lower than that and certain positions may risk exposing a flash of skin that will clash with your sock and your trousers, looking very unsightly practically.

(3) Custom dress socks
You perhaps already have some cheap dress socks in your wardrobe, which are probably both black. Simple socks is may your original intention choosing for dress shoes. However, you should pick dress socks based on one principle with the upgrade at least to always matching your trouser, rather than your black dress shoes. And if you prefer adventurous, please start working some color and pattern in there. Whether you want sock with simple or represent your personality, custom dress sock can live your thought. For example, custom striped socks don’t have colors limitation, one or two can represent simple, more then that can make your feel colorful or show off your character. Additionally, it will show your basic respect if you wear custom dress socks for wedding, a special occasion. Live is too short to wear cheap socks! Don’t feel pressured to overspend. They are just socks after all.
mens dress socks